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Vegan nutrition advice Discover the power of plants, live healthily. Your guide to a vegan diet.

Welcome to vegan nutritional advice:

Discover the colorful and nutritious world of vegan nutrition. Our aim is to show you what a balanced and healthy vegan diet can look like that not only benefits your body, but also the environment.

Nutritional advice for children and adolescents


Planning is the key to a vegan diet

A vegan diet requires careful planning to ensure that all the necessary nutrients are consumed. Some vitamins and minerals that are mainly found in animal products, such as vitamin B12, iron and omega-3 fatty acids, require special attention when following a vegan diet. Our experts will help you to create a complete and nutritious vegan diet plan that is free of deficiencies and promotes optimal health.


Avoid common mistakes in the vegan diet

Switching to a vegan diet is challenging and it is easy to fall into nutritional traps. Common mistakes include neglecting essential nutrients, overconsumption of processed vegan foods or inadequate protein sources. Our advice will help you to recognize and avoid these traps. We will show you how to create a balanced and nutritious vegan diet that includes all the essential vitamins and minerals to support your health in the best possible way.

Nutritional advice for children and adolescents


Individual vegan nutritional advice - tailored to your needs

Our vegan nutritional advice focuses on your individual lifestyle. We offer personal consultation sessions where we discuss your dietary habits, health goals and preferences. Our experts will create a customized vegan diet plan tailored to your specific needs. We take into account key nutrients to ensure your diet is balanced and complete. In addition, we offer practical everyday tips, recipe suggestions and transition support to make the transition to a vegan lifestyle as easy and enjoyable as possible.

All online Convenient & easy via online consultation

Take advantage of the convenience of our online consultations to ensure the best possible nutrition for your child. Our service is flexible and convenient to suit your lifestyle.

Video and image source: Adobe Stock

Important NOTE:

The information provided in our articles was created with the greatest care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. They serve exclusively for informational purposes and do not constitute medical advice. No liability is assumed for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the content. We assume no responsibility for the application or implementation of the information. If you have any health questions or complaints, it is always advisable to consult a qualified doctor or other specialist.
